The night before Jim's birthday we were talking about how when we were young we thought that being in your 30's was old. Now that Jim's is 32 and I am coming up quickly on the BIG 30 it doesnt seem that old.
Birthday's are a big deal to me and I love to try to make birthday's special. I also love surprises and I am pretty good at keeping secrets. So the night before Jim's birthday I had put out his present and he hoovered around it trying to figure out what it was and then begged me all night to be able to open it. Of course, its not his birthday the night before so he would have to wait until his birthday. Besides, this isnt like Christmas Eve!!!
When I got home from work he opened his presents. He was being such a stinker. He didnt want me taking pictures because he had his glasses on so he made it a point to hid behind the cards and presents when he heard the camera beep. I was laughing the whole time and decided that I will post this pictures anyways. Ha-ha... that's what he gets.

Those sushie guys are fun to watch. They make it look so easy. Glad Jim had a such a good Birthday.
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