Monday, June 14, 2010

The BIG 3-0... ouch!

Well this year I turned the dreaded 3-0. I cant believe I am actually 30 years old. I have been trying to figure out why I am disliking 30 so much but still haven't figured it out quite yet. I think a part of it is that I thought my life would be different at 30. Some of those "ideas" I have no control over but there is a positive to that as well.
For part of my birthday celebrations, my friend and I went to Rock the Keys. It was great to have my friend there with me to celebrate. Later that evening Katie, Jarrod, Jim and I decided to go to the Brandin Iron too. I started going to the Brandin Iron when I was 20 and have been there every year for part of my birthday celebrations so I guess it was something we just had to do... its a Tradition! Katie and I laugh when we think about being 21 and would say "Can you imagine us coming here when we are old and 30?" Awwww, to be young again naive again.

On my actual birthday, I worked that day and came home to a great surprise. Jim has a bouquet of balloons, decorations, presents, dinner (made by Jim and he never cooks) and the pool was ready. I got some very thoughtful gifts from Jim this year. He got me a thermos coffee mug since I cant live without my morning coffee, the Wave by the Firm (excersize program that I wanted) which I have been wanting for months now and the best present of all, a set of our wedding china. I was so surprised that he thought about the wedding china since it is not something that I have told him I want more of and because I never thought he would know which one it was in a department store full of china. I have an amazing husband!!!

As a birthday present to myself, I cut my hair. I have had my hair long for years and decided that it would be nice to have short hair again. They cut about 6 to 7 inches atleast. Its a fresh starts...


Holly Michelle Chandler said...

Jim gets massive points for such thoughtful birthday gifts and surprises for you!
LOVE the new haircut! Ya look so cute!
And you know what? You were right, turning the big 3-0 isn't so bad. Glad you had an awesome bday!