Monday, September 20, 2010

A Great Visit...

During our mini-vacation, Jim and were very excited to be able to visit Aunt Sally. Patti was at work but Ed was there as well so we had a great 2 hour visit. I love talking to Aunt sally because she reminds me so much of my Grandma. Aunt Sally showed us some pictures that she had of Aunt Sally and Grandma Eve, their Parents and family. It was very cool to see. When we were leaving, Ed gave me a ceramic vase that he made himself. It's beautiful and very sweet of him to give to us.


GramsCookies said...

I'm so glad you got to visit Aunt Sally...She is looking well.

Wes SoCal said...

OK,OK a 5 day trip to Frisco and NorCal and all we get is 98 words( I counted)and 2 small pictures. What about falling off of Fishermans Wharf. You did end up in a chineese oppium den didn't you. Did you have the world's bigget hangover? Come on flesh this story out a little, even it you have to lie a little.

your dad