Last week we had the chance to gp get 3D/4D ultrasounds of Emily at 31 weeks. It was such a cool experience. We saw her facial expressions, her smiles, her frowns, her hands and she also showed off her feet and her big toes. Jim and I keep looking at the pictures trying to figure out which features she got from each of us. She has Jim's cheeks for sure which I was hoping for. I cant wait to smooch those chunky cheeks. I think our poor baby has my nose which I was not hoping for. She has full lips and we still dont know where those came from. The nurse said she is definetly a character and a wiggle worm which I already knew. I couldnt decide which picture to post so I figured why not post them all. Enjoy!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Emily at 31 weeks in 4D
Posted by Lara C. at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 30, 2012
Here I grow...
I cant believe that this coming week I will be 24 weeks which means its my last week of my 2nd trimester. It really has gone by fast and I am loving every minute of it (minus the swollen ankles and fingers... oh and the heartburn). I am so in love with this little girl already. I find myself "playing" with her. I woke up the other day and tapped on my baby bump and she kicked right back. I cant help it I just laugh out loud and say "Good Morning Emily". Jim has felt her a few times but he swears that she is already a Mama's girl because lately every time he tries to feel her kick she stops. It's such an awesome experience. On 3/20/2012 it seems like I woke up to a bigger baby bump than ever before or as someone people have said I finally "popped". Jim even notices when I came home that night without me saying anything.
We have been taking pictures of "the bump".
Week 15- February 4, 2012
Posted by Lara C. at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 17, 2012
It's a GIRL!!!

We also went to Costco and laughed as we came out because our basket was filled. Filled with what you ask??? Diapers, wipies, a thermometer that goes across the forehead, water and dog food. Awwww how things have started to change already but we wouldnt change it for the world.
Posted by Lara C. at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Introducing Baby Costello
On November 11, 2011 we recieved a call that we had been waiting 5 years for, "You're Pregnant". We were so thrilled and we had a hard time keeping it a secret. As of today, the Baby is 12 week and 3 days and is due July 22nd though my Mom swears it will be July 24th. Here are the ultrasound pictures from yesterday's appointment. It was so surreal to lay there and see he/she's profile, arms, hands, legs and the top of the skull. Enjoy!
Posted by Lara C. at 4:46 PM 1 comments