So, I have some bad news. I have decided having kids might not be the best idea for Jim and I. Mostly ME. I love my sleep to much!!! Let me explain...

I volanteered to watch Katie's 9 month old little girl, Madison. She is adorable and I love being around her. Katie is a school teacher and there was a fundraiser at John's Incredible Pizza from 11pm to 2am which she had to go to. So I got to Katie's house at about 8:30ish and Madison was already sleeping. Katie was actually worried because Madison ate at 4pm and fell asleep after that. So, we were not sure if she was going to wake up or sleep the whole night. Katie left about 10pm and I decided to go to bed shortly after that. I put the monitor in the room with me and it began. I could not sleep. Every move Madison made I was awake. Every wimper and wine, I was up. I seriously laid there at about 1:00 am and listened to Madison breath for 30 minutes. Katie came home and I was still up with cat naps in between. At 4:oo am Katie's German Shepard, Noah woke me up to take him outside. I came back to bed and Madison woke up around 6am. We was so adorable and so fun. We had breakfast together, played with the hangers, danced, and watched a little TV before Katie woke up.
Now let me say, Madison was an Angel. She slept through the night and was perfect in the morning. I just need sleep. On my way home I called my Mom and broke the news to her that I can not have kids. Then when I got home I broke the news to Jim. After about a half an hour he stopped and turned towards me asking "are you serious?"
Later we went to Toys R Us which is combined with Babies R Us. I ohhhhh'd and awwww'd over everything and even saw a nursery cribbing that we both liked if we every had a girl.
So I am back on track and I have decided having a baby or babies would be fun and perhaps, just maybe, worth losing some sleep.