So I am a little late but better that than never. On November 2nd we all met at Aunt Lynne to visit Jon, Brittany and Layla. Jennifer, Jeff, Brandon and the boys came down from Oregon and Lindsey came over to visit as well. I always look forward to family gatherings anytime they come around.

First let me say that Layla is so cute! She was so much fun to play with and she didnt mind being passed around from person to person. Her smile was contagious. Ben and Levi were lots of fun too with enough energy for everyone. Of course being the good & loving Aunt Lara, I bought them some toys which included playdough, a puzzle, a small etch n' sketch, and some other fun stuff. Jeff and Jenny were thrilled about that... hehehe.
Mom made her famous tacos and let me tell you... they were AWESOME!!! The best I have had in a long time. (Note to B & B: YOU REALLY MISSED OUT!) ;) wink, wink. I think Mom had every possible topping for the tacos. Jenny was nice and helped Mom cook the taco shells and then Mom finished the rest. Of course I snatched one from Jenny's pile and the other from Mom's pile of shells. I dont know how she does it but Mom can make the best food taste even better. Just like Mom's tuna sandwhichs, bisquits and gravy, tacos or spaghetti. Opps, sorry... I got a little off track.

After looking at the pictures it made me realize the best part of the visit which I did not notice when I was there. Our Mom and Aunt Lynne and been friends since they were like 17 years old. They have watched each other date, live as rommates, get married, have kids, raise kids, and now watch their kids have kids and move on to the next stage of being proud Grandma's. It's a funny little circle which makes me appreciate my friend and look forward to my 50-somethings with my friends and family. 

You are too much...but thanks anyways.,,,, Lynne and I have been friends since we were in high school,,1969..thats like 40 years ago. Oh my God, we are now OLD !
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