It has been a while since I have posted any blogs but it just feels like this year is speeding by. It's already February and I have no clue what happened to January. Jim and I had an exciting weekend, last weekend.
On Friday night, my girlfriend Nichole and I went to Jennifer's party. We won some prizes and had a good time. Then we went to the Cocky Bull which is a country bar by my house. I had never been there before but we had an great time. We thought we would stay for an hour or so and we left 3 1/2 hours later. I had not dance that much in a long time. Good Excersize!
On Saturday, Jim ordered the UFC fight and invited some people over for the fight and then poker. Danny brought Holly plus there was Adam, Rick, Monica, Junior , Jim's Dad (SR), Jarrod and Rob. We had two poker tables going and I think the "pot" was $220.00. We played until 1:30am and Junior was the big winner, walking away with 92.00. On Sunday morning, Jim, Me, Danny and Holly went to Molly Browns for breakfast and then I came home, put up superbowl decorations and started the nacho bar. The nacho bar turned out perfect. Everyone came over at about 3 to watch the Super Bowl. There was about 20 to 25 people. So basically a packed house. :) Everyone seemed to have a good time and went home after the game was over. I am a horrible blogger and I did not take pictures. Sorry but the decorations were very cute.