Saturday was Madison 1st birthday party. I cant beleieve how time flys by. She is so cute and I look forward to playing with her everytime I see her. I taught her how to head butt which is a lot of fun until she does it to the wrong person. Then she will give me kisses after head butting. She is at such a fun age!
Madison is such a girlie girl. She got lots of toys which kept her interest for a little while but her favorite things were her new clothes. During the cake cutting Madison did not want to get her fingers dirty so the birthday princess was hand fed by her Mommy. It was a lot of fun!
I went a little overboard on pictures so I apologize now. he-he.
Happy Birthday Maddie... ah Lara just remember these words... Payback.
All these parents will be teaching your children these cute things one day too. LOL
Oh man It feels like yesterday when I saw Katie at the BI with Maddie inside her tummy. She's a doll. Looks like a fun party complete with lady bug pinata. Tooo fun. I love the pictures. Keep them coming.
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