It was another pizza night at the Costello's. Jim and I watched Alaina, Gwen and Chris for the evening and of course they wanted to make pizza's. So we went to the store to pick up everything...
Pizza Dough? check.
Sauce? check.
Mozzerella? check.
Pepperoni's? check.
Mushrooms? check.
Onion? check.
Tomatoes? check.
A Slim Jim, beef jerky? double check.

The kids started to make their pizza's and each one would say how their pizza was going to be the best one, EVER! So the competition was on for the best pizza, EVER! Chris made his pizza to look like a bulls-eye. Chris made another pizza for Meme (Jim) that was happy face only you could not see the pepperoni happy face once he put everything else on it. Alaina made her's simple, pepperoni, cheese and 5 pieces of mushroom. Gwennie, on the other hand, put everthing she could think of on her pizza. Including her signature item, the Slim Jim.
We had a great time making them and I have to admit they were all really good. After dinner we watched Meet Dave which was a cute comedy. It was fun to watch them all laugh at certain parts in the movie, even Jim.

The next morning we woke up and had breakfast. There is nothin better than left over pizza for breakfast, right??? After Breakfast we got the dogs together and went for a walk. The kids love going out in the desert behind our house. They want to go see "the Cottage" everytime we go for a walk. It is not actually a cottage but remains of what used to be a very small house. The kids make up stories about how the house fell down. The find cans a 1/2 a mile away and are always so amazed that the big explosion threw cans that far. Or a rusted batteries, a car tire, springs to a mattress, a shoe, etc. It fun to listen to them and their imaginations. Currently, they all agree that there must have been a big explosion. It used to be because of a tornado. You know, the tornado's that come tearing through CA's high desert. haha..
After we got back from our walk Gwen decided that she will be Lucy's Personal Dog Trainer. She said "I will train Lucy so you dont have to pay money to train her." Works for me! I think so far Lucy has learned that if she does nothing, she gets a treat and if she is bad and doesnt listen she gets two treats to make her listen. It made me laugh to hear her and Chris repeatedly say "No Hannah! No, sit." "Lucy dont jump, Lucy No!" "Aunt Lara tell them not to jump."
That sounds like it'd be an awesome tradition. So which one won the contest? Sounds like they were all winners to me.
It's great to see Lucy and Hannah. I miss them.
Haha, I wish I would have read this before I volunteered to be "in charge of Lucy" during the day last Friday. She's a cutie, but she is full of energy. She stole about 10 kisses while we were watching movies and she kept barking at nothing. Hannah kept giving her dirty looks. It was classic.
Miss you guys! Hope to see you soon!
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