Jim and I went out with our friends, Rick & Monica and their son Richard, to see the Pirate Adventure Show. It is in Buena Park and from what people say, its like Mideval Times but with Priates. I was not so sure that this was going to be fun since I have never been to Mideval Times. But let me tell you... It was a BLAST!!!
We had the Orange Pirate. After the show our Pirate hung around so we took pictures with him. If you have never been, when you purchase your tickets they divide you into groups and you will have a color. You then will sit in that colored area and cheer for your pirate who is wearing your color. As a side note: the Blue Pirate was hotter so I did have to cheer for him a few times. hehehe.... that's ok. Jim didnt mind.
The Show was very entertaining and there was a lot of acrobatic and a lot of audience participation. At one point they had brought up a couple onto the ship and the Captain was interacting with them. The Captain asked the audience what we should do with the "intruders" and decided the couple should walk the plank. The Capatin asked the gentlemen if he had any last words and he shook his head yes. The Captain gave him a microphone then the gentleman got down on one knee and asked his girlfriend to marry him. In front of all of us. It was so cute! Monica and I got teary eyed and Jim and Rick looked at each other, tipped their glasses and drank their beers. Oh those boys... lol. Oh and by the way, She said Yes.
For Dinner, we had the options of Chicken and Steak or Chicken and Shrimp Scampi. I, of course, chose the Chicken and Shrimp. We also were able to choose unlimited non-alcoholic drinks or 2 glasses of beer. We chose the beer. Our server was awesome and kept refilling the our glasses because "he didnt want the pitchers of beer to go to waste." I was driving so Jim was drinking mine and his. We had a great time.

That looks like it was so fun. It'll have to be on our To Do List next time we come out and visit. I'm glad that the girl said yes to the proposal. I love stories like that.
Sounds very much like Medieval Times, which is also awesome. Glad you guys had a good time! I will also have to add that to my list. I wonder if she said "No" if HE would have to walk the plank, or if SHE would? LOL
Ooh fun! I was always curious to know if it was fun, or just totally cheese-ball :) Great to know that its a good time... I'll have to take Charles sometime!
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