Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kisses and Love from Superman

I can't believe the 5 days are already over and Brian and little Brian are already on the plane back to Alambama. It was great to see my Brother and hang out. And of course it goes without saying that I was thrilled to see my nephew too. We shared toys, fry fries, drool, kisses and his sippy cup. He had us all laughing with tears in our eyes right before I left for the night. He loved Grandpa's water and Grandpa let him have it which LB then had it everywhere! I guess you had to be there but trust me, it was funny. So after my Superman gave me kisses and loves his Daddy put him to bed and I had to say my good byes. I think this might have been the best 5 days of Grandma's summer. :)


Daniel said...

omg that water thing was so funny i was crying and having a hard time breathing.

Mitchell4 said...

I'm soo glad that he was able to come see you guys. I can tell he had an amazing time. There's no doubt that he misses you guys, the stairs, and Grandpa's carbonated water. I love the pictures so far. Thanks for sharing.