Saturday, October 18, 2008

Back to the Basics

Katie, Kristi and I started Weight Watchers again. Katie started Weight Watchers last week and when she checked in at the meeting she had lost 6 lbs. I am so proud of her. 6 lbs in one week takes a lot of dedication and planning. Especially with a 9 month old and a Hubby to feed at the same time. We had a girls day at her house on the Sunday before our WW meeting and she made pizza potatoes wedges which were really good. 2 points for 2 potato wedges. yummy!!!
So, I am determined to lose weight though I have not done terrible by myself. About 2 months ago when I went to the doctor's I was the heaviest I have ever been. I could not believe what the scale was saying. Lies, It was all lies. :) I have made an effort to really think about what I am eating and think if I am full or satisfied when I am eating. I joke with Jim an say "I feel satisfied" and he always give me a look like I am crazy. So when I weighted in at the meeting I had lost 11 lbs since they weighted me at the doctor's. I don't have a working scale at home and I kinda like it that way. I could go buy batteries for our scale but I know I would weight myself everyday. Besides, I think not having a scale is working better for me. So, I am hoping to lose 4 lbs this week which will put me below a certain number. of course I can't tell you that number that embarrassing. :) hehehe...
Happy Eating!!!


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! Way to go..good job.......keep up the good work...I know its hard but you can do it,,,, love ya ,,,Mom

Anonymous said...

Well I guess there will be no more
"On Saturday, Jim's family came over for dinner and poker. We had lagsana, salad and garlic bread which was so yummy." Just watch your portions and get some real exercize, not just walking the dogs, that don't count. When you lose all that weight don't call me because I'm the one who always finds all that lost weight.
Love Ya

Robert & Erin said...

It's hard when you start but it will just become natural to eat less and want to move more. You'll just feel better! You probably don't want to hear this...but it has actually been hard for me being pregnant and have to eat more and not exercise as I'm use to. So either way, there are a lot of adjustments to make and I guess it's just important that you stay healthy and happy.