Monday, October 27, 2008

The Halloween Party

After a week of cleaning and preping for the Halloween Party and 5 hours of cleaning to get my house back in order, our Halloween Party has come and gone. It was great to see everyone in their costumes. I think that was my favorite part. It was so much fun to watch everyone stop and turn when the door bell rang to see who it was and what they chose to be for Halloween. The laughter was none stop. Some costume were funny, some were scary and other chose toshow their sexy side. We had music and dancing inside and a firepit outside. Everyone had a great time and after a long night of partying we finally laid in bed at 2:59am.


Mitchell4 said...

I can't wait for pictures. I'm sure that all your clean/prep work paid off and it was a hit. I wish that we were there. Geez 5 hours. Man oh Man. Sounds like everyone really had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Well this looks like fun...Hey where's the pictures of Danny????