Friday, October 24, 2008

Small Things

Today was just an average day at work until something great happened. I got a picture message of my Nephew, Brian, which absolutley made my day. It really surprised me how one small gesture can change a persons attitude. So a big Thank You to Brian and Becky for sending me a picture of my little man. He is so stinkin adorable!!!


Mitchell4 said...

I'm glad that it made your day. It takes a speacial person to do your job. It's hard dealing with rude people.
I thought that it was pretty funny when Lil B rode up in the Lowes cart with his Lowes bag and Lowes Map in the cute overalls. So now we have 2 Lowes in Dothan. Hey Steph can we get a family discount? We were there trying to pick out organizers for our massive amount of sweatshirts. We also browsed the carpet section. Some day we'll get rid of our hideous carpet. It will not be missed. I'm rambling so I'll close but we're glad that you enjoyed the picture.